Conflict Manager
In the inventory area, the conflict manager shows differences/deviations in the inventory and visualizes them before posting them to the leading system. The controller must then ultimately evaluate the different information and decide how to deal with it:
- Conflicts visualized in a simple manner
- Complete transparency (via cost centers)
- "Waterproof" process
- Better data quality in the company
The conflict manager clarifies differences in the asset inventory that has been carried out. Here, assets contained in two or more inventory orders are displayed. In the initial situation, each asset can only be entered once in an inventory order, since the asset is assigned to an area (cost center, room). However, if the asset has changed the cost center or room and the move has not been reported to accounting, a conflict arises that must be evaluated manually.
An asset not being found, but not being relocated either is an indicator of scrapping or sale. After the responsible accountant has checked and evaluated it, the inventory result is posted in the leading system (SAP).
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