WAGO - Membrain-IoT-Partner

WAGO Group

The  WAGO Group is an international, family-owned company that offers both market-leading products for electrical interconnection technology and an open automation platform  recognized across all industries. Automation users of WAGO profit from the freedom of being able to implement automation and IT tasks on an open platform while having access to a nearly boundless range of input and output modules.

End users also profit from ready-to-use and custom tailored coordinated solutions. Benefits include enormous versatility, design freedom and end-to-end communication, from the sensor level all the way up to the cloud. Users also enjoy a high degree of reliability – even under extreme conditions. 
Customers profit from scalable slutions for integrating physical measured variables and from applications and assets in fields such as building automation, energy management, shop floor connectivity and much more. WAGO is open and ready for your digital future.

Learn more here!

Direct SAP connection with Membrain IoT

The modular software architecture enables seamless bidirectional communication between mobility, controllers and the ERP system (SAP).


  • Execute any actions in SAP via PLC function modules.
  • Record operating times, create fault messages, book material movements and much more.
  • Seamless transition to mobile processes.
  • Ready-to-use IoT applications with WAGO and Membrain IoT.